Camping, albeit a rather commonplace outdoor activity, is a highly personal experience.
It is an experience wherein every camper or outdoor adventurer is compelled to bring his or her own desires, strengths and individual weaknesses. In this regard, each camper will bring along a very different set of items than the other campers when preparing for their next trip. However, this is not to say that your equipment list is entirely unique from that of your camping group’s. As it is, there is a collection of camping gears that is ubiquitous in every outdoor activity. However, while these camping items are insanely useful, these gears are communal insomuch that you and your group can designate who would be assigned to bring such item.
So while there are things that every camper must bring, there are also a few essential items for the group that need not be carried by every single camper of the group. By the time you and your camping group have fleshed out your next outdoor excursion, be sure to have a detailed plan as to who will be bringing what. In line with this, you and your camping group should discuss your camping style as what you need to bring will invariably depend on how comfortable you wish to be on your trip. If you do not mind roughing it a bit then you can go for the minimal number of camping items, but if you wish to sleep properly at night, have proper ventilation, heating and the like then be sure that your vehicle can carry these all the way to your camping site. In any case, by the time that long-awaited camping trip finally comes up, be sure to add the basic outdoor essentials to your list of equipment list for a better and more enjoyable experience. This can include anything from a portable stove to an all-terrain tent. In this list, we have rounded up a collection of cool camping equipment, wilderness gear and outdoor accessories that will help you experience the great outdoors in comfort and style regardless of where your adventures might take you.

1.) Solar shower

Roughing it outdoors often means bathing in nearby bodies of water such as lakes and rivers or foregoing the idea of a bath at all. Luckily, with the new and modern innovation that is the solar shower, you can now take a bath after taking a dip in the lake or river. With the solar shower, you can have up to five gallons of water (enough for a small group of campers) and if you set it under the sun for a couple of hours, the water will be warm enough to bathe in amid the cool breeze of the mountains.
2.) Campfire cooking set

Considering that we have to watch the total weight of what we bring on our camping trips, we often take just about two to three pans and we are all set. In this regard, cooking skills and talents are often constrained only to the packed utensils and cookware. However, with a campfire cooking set, you can make a meal out of anything and prepare something a little more than just campfire hotdogs.
3.) Collapsible bowls

Packing for a backpacking trip means you have to consciously make every weight of the item you carry matter. Moreover, you need to make every space in your bags count. In this regard, collapsible bowls will be incredibly useful as they would not take up too much space and can be used for a myriad of things. Apart from being used as regular liquid or soup containers, they can also be used as containers for food leftovers as these bowls come with a lid.
4.) Resealable bags
While often neglected, resealable bags are incredibly useful on camping trips. Not only are they great for segregating items, but should you want anything dry during a torrential rain, you can easily slip them inside a resealable bag and you can count on it to stay dry regardless of whether your things get wet or not. Resealable bags are an excellent way to keep your things waterproof during an inclement weather.
5.) Old pill bottles

Old pill bottles are great for packing small amounts of stuff so that you do not have to bring the entire bottle with you. Need a bit of cooking oil with you? Want to have a bottle of condiments handy with you? Have your old pill bottles ready and fill them with camp-sized amounts of whatever you might need.

Typically, our camping equipment and gears only ever see the light of day when we are spending time adventuring outdoors. In this regard, some of or well-loved investments might just be sitting inside the storage door accumulating dust waiting for your next big adventure. Fortunately, there is a collection of multi-use camping products that can be used at home or for any other occasion. Here are some of the best and most ingenious camping products that serve their purpose well in the wild or anywhere else.
Snow Peak Titanium Curved Flask

Sleek and classy are two words to describe Snow Peak’s Titanium Curved Flask. The curved flask looks sophisticated and classy enough that it hardly looks like it was meant for camping. However, with its four-ish pours capacity, the round flask can dispense plenty of water (or trail booze) to keep you hydrated without choking up your pockets. More importantly, it is made from ultralight titanium meaning there will be no funky aftertaste.
Snow Peak Take Bamboo Chair

Snow Peak’s Take Bamboo Chair is perfect for lounging after a long day of trail-running, climbing, rafting or anything else. It looks just as great by the campfire as it will be your home patios. More importantly, it is made from washable canvas making it easy to clean any stubborn camping stains.
Snow Peak Field Barista Kettle

While conceptualized for those early morning camping coffee sessions, Snow Peak’s Field Barista Kettle looks sleek and stylish enough to be an additional cookware in the family kitchen. Great for serving premade coffee, this camping tool easily looks right at home in your kitchen.
While a trip outdoors often means doing away with some luxuries, it can still be a comfortable and convenient experience. So in this regard, the next time you are shopping for camping gear and equipment, keep the things above in mind for an enjoyable experience that keeps you in touch with nature without compromising comfort and convenience.